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. 2022 Feb 9;12:840433. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.840433

Table 4.

The results of meta-regression analysis of SUVmax and ADC to differentiate benign and malignant ovarian or adnexal tumors.

Parameter Category No. of studies Sensitivity p-value Specificity p-value
Design Prospective 3 0.88 [0.78–0.98] 0.19 0.92 [0.82–1.00] 0.67
Retrospective 3 0.92 [0.84–1.00] 0.89 [0.82–0.96]
Mean age ≥56 3 0.92 [0.88–0.96] 0.07 0.92 [0.84–0.98] 0.96
<56 3 0.92 [0.88–0.96] 0.91 [0.84–0.99]
Sample >50 4 0.88 [0.82–0.95] 0.15 0.93 [0.81–0.97] 0.03
≤50 3 0.88 [0.78–0.98] 0.85 [0.78–0.99]
Vendor Just GE 3 0.94 [0.90–0.98] 0.33 0.85 [0.76–0.94] 0.10
With Siemens 3 0.82 [0.76–0.89] 0.85 [0.76–0.94]
Cutoff value ≥3.0 4 0.91 [0.86–0.95] 0.01 0.90 [0.82–0.99] 0.51
<3.0 3 0.84 [0.78–0.90] 0.87 [0.78–0.97]
Time between FDG administration and scanning ≥60 min 3 0.94 [0.88–0.99] 0.72 0.89 [0.80–0.99] 0.43
<60 min 4 0.85 [0.78–0.91] 0.88 [0.78–0.97]
FDG dose ≥4.0 MBq/kg 3 0.88 [0.78–0.97] 0.15 0.89 [0.77–1.00] 0.55
<4.0 MBq/kg 3 0.86 [0.79–0.93] 0.91 [0.81–1.00]
China yes 4 0.90 [0.85–0.95] 0.29 0.80 [0.69–0.90] 0.19
no 3 0.82 [0.72–0.92] 0.81 [0.68–0.94]
No. of tumors ≥100 3 0.91 [0.88–0.95] 0.02 0.78 [0.67–0.89] 0.08
<100 4 0.82 [0.75–0.88] 0.82 [0.71–0.93]
Max b value 1,000 s/mm2 4 0.91 [0.89–0.94] 0.05 0.79 [0.70–0.89] 0.04
800 s/mm2 3 0.77 [0.70–0.84] 0.84 [0.68–0.95]
No. of imaging planes 3 3 0.87 [0.79–0.96] 0.07 0.82 [0.71–0.93] 0.29
2 4 0.87 [0.80–0.94] 0.79 [0.68–0.90]
Slice thickness 6 mm 3 0.84 [0.78–0.95] 0.04 0.84 [0.75–0.93] 0.16
5 mm 4 0.89 [0.80–0.95] 0.76 [0.64–0.87]
Vendor GE 4 0.89 [0.84–0.95] 0.22 0.78 [0.67–0.89] 0.07
Siemens 3 0.83 [0.74–0.93] 0.83 [0.72–0.94]

SUVmax, Maximum uptake value; ADC, Apparent diffusion coefficient.

p < 0.05 indicates that the comparison between groups is statistically significant and is indicated in bold.