scDPN provides reliable data for accurate scCNV detection
A. scCNV profiles of HeLa S3 cells obtained using the T2_P1 condition and the corresponding bulk-level profile from published data [34]. Colored dots correspond to inferred copy-number states; black lines indicate segment medians. B. scCNV profiles of the YH cell line obtained using the T2_P1 condition and the corresponding bulk-level profile from published data [35]. C. Representative single tumor cell CNV profile and the corresponding bulk tumor CNV profile from FACETS analysis of WES data from patient HCC01. For the bulk-level profile, the upper panel plots the corresponding integer (total and minor) copy number calls, while the lower panel shows the Cf-em profile that reveals both clonal and sub-clonal copy number events. scCNV, single-cell copy number variation; WES, whole-exome sequencing; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; Cf–em, estimated cellular fraction.