scCNV profiles reveal tumor clonal selection during HCC recurrence
A. Two CNV patterns observed in single cells and the CNV profile detected by bulk WGS of the primary tumor from patient HCC02. Colored dots correspond to inferred copy-number states; black lines indicate segment medians. B. Heatmap showing the copy number states of all 106 cells (3 normal cells and 103 tumor cells) from the primary tumor of patient HCC02. Columns correspond to cells, and rows correspond to a 600-kb genomic bin for each chromosome. Unique CNVs in minor clones are indicated. Reported HCC-related genes TERT, VEGFA, and MYC are indicated. C. Heatmap showing the unsupervised clustering of all tumor cells from primary (n = 103) and relapsed (n = 114) tumors based on the CNVs on chromosomes 1, 10, and 14. Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes annotated by COSMIC including BCL9 are indicated. D. Schematic diagram of HCC tumor clonal selection during recurrence in patient HCC02. CNVs detected in clones of patient HCC02 are indicated. WGS, whole-genome sequencing; COSMIC, Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer.