Figure 2.
Dermal and epidermal cell lineage developmental trajectories delineated by pseudotime trajectory inference analyses
A. A simplified diagram showing the relationship of dermal and epidermal cell lineages at different time points. B. Dermal cell lineage highlighted (red dashed circle) in the tSNE plot. C. Epidermal cell lineage highlighted (red dashed circle) in the tSNE plot. D. Developmental trajectory of dermal cell lineage along pseudotime. Cells were color-coded with cell types identified by Seurat (left panel) and developmental time points (right panel), respectively. The pie chart shows the percentage of each cell cluster for each branch. E. Developmental trajectory of epidermal cell lineage along pseudotime. Cells are color-coded with cell types (left panel) and developmental time points (right panel), respectively. The pie chart shows the percentage of each cell cluster for each branch. DC, dermal condensate; PHF, primary hair follicle; SHF, secondary hair follicle; HS, hair shaft; IRS, inner root sheath.