Cross-species comparison of the HS and IRS signature genes revealed increased divergence during hair follicle development
A. Heatmap illustrating the pseudotime gene expression pattern of DEGs during IRS and HS cell development. Cell fate 1 depicts HS fate, while cell fate 2 depicts IRS fate. B. Pseudotime expression patterns of representative marker genes during IRS and HS cell fate commitment. Cells are color-coded according to the cell clusters as shown atop; the solid line depicts cell fate 1, while the dashed line depicts cell fate 2. C and D. Venn diagram demonstrating overlapping IRS (C) and HS (D) characteristic genes between mouse and cashmere goat. The representative overlapping genes are listed in the corresponding boxes. E. Comparison of PCNA and VDR expression in E90 cashmere goat and E16.5 mouse skin tissues. Scale bar = 50 μm. E16.5, embryonic day 16.5.