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. 2022 Feb 23;8(1):e12268. doi: 10.1002/trc2.12268


Characteristics of the case and control patients in the nationwide cohort

Dementia cases (N = 4849) Controls (N = 48,506)
Male sex, n (%) 2299 (47.4) 22,998 (47.4)
Age, n (%)
< 70 years 1278 (26.4) 12,784 (26.4)
70–80 years 2268 (46.8) 22,688 (46.8)
80–90 years 1260 (26.0) 12,612 (26.0)
> 90 years 43 (0.9) 422 (0.9)
Diabetes duration, median (IQR) a , b 6.0 (3.0–10.0) 6.0 (3.0–9.0)
GLP‐1 RAs, n (%)
0 years 4575 (94.3) 44,594 (91.9)
1–2 years 59 (1.2) 623 (1.3)
2–3 years 35 (0.7) 586 (1.2)
3–4 years 35 (0.7) 483 (1.0)
4–5 years 74 (1.5) 1076 (2.2)
Stroke, n (%) b 760 (15.7) 5628 (11.6)
Myocardial infarction, n (%) b 527 (10.9) 5241 (10.8)
Hypertension, n (%) b 3252 (67.1) 31,961 (65.9)
Chronic renal disease, n (%) b 233 (4.8) 2287 (4.7)
Educational attainment, n (%) b , c
Basic 2490 (51.4) 23,920 (49.3)
Medium 1508 (31.1) 14,971 (30.9)
Advanced 427 (8.8) 4681 (9.7)

Years since initiation of second‐line diabetes treatment.


At beginning of 5‐year exposure window.


Educational status unknown in 424 (8.7%) cases and in 4934 (10.2%) controls.

Abbreviations: GLP‐1 RA, glucagon‐like peptide‐1 receptor agonist; IQR, interquartile range.