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. 2022 Feb 23;376:e068465. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2021-068465

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies, according to study author surname (beginning with A-H)

Study (year), country RCT type Participants Intervention Comparisons* Follow-up (months) MVPA measure
Aittasalo (2006),20 Finland Cluster n=265, 24% male, 20-65 years; general population, inactive PA, brief, GP Usual care 6 Self-report: IPAQ
Alonso-Dominguez (2019),21 Spain Individual n=204, 54% male, 25-70 years; type 2 diabetes mellitus, PA not part of eligibility PA and diet, intensive, nurse Usual care 12 Self-report: IPAQ
Apinaniz (2019),22 Spain Individual n=110, 28% male, 18-45 years; body mass index ≥25, inactive PA and diet, brief, nurse or GP Usual care 6 Self-report: degree of adherence to recommendations
Arija (2018),23 Spain Individual n=207, 23% male, ≥18 years; people with hypertension, PA not part of eligibility PA, intensive, nurse Usual care 9 Self-report: IPAQ
Carroll (2010),24 US Cluster n=394, 31% male, adults, mean age 46.4 years†; general population, inactive PA, brief, GP General preventive screening report 6 Self-report: 7d-PAR
Cheng (2018),25 US Individual n=404, 60% male, ≥40 years; survivors of ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack, PA not part of eligibility Stroke prevention including PA, intensive, nurse or physician assistant Usual care 12 Self-report: MVPA ≥3 days/week
Clapperton (2020),26 Trinidad Individual n=130, 14% male, ≥18 years; general population, inactive PA, multiple brief, GP Usual care 10 Self-report: Brief assessment tool
Driehuis (2012),27 Netherlands Individual n=457, 48% male, 40-70 years; body mass index 25-40 and hypertension or dyslipidemia, PA not part of eligibility PA and diet, intensive, nurse Usual care 36 Self-report: SQUASH
Dubbert (2008),28 US Individual n=224, 100% male, 60-85 years; veterans with physical function limitations, inactive PA, multiple brief, nurse Nurse health discussion 10 Device measured: RT3 triaxial accelerometer
Duijzer (2017),29 Netherlands Individual n=316, 52% male, 40-70 years; increased risk of type 2 diabetes, PA not part of eligibility PA and diet, intensive, physiotherapist Usual care 18 Self-report: SQUASH
Dutton (2006),30 US Cluster n=139, 0% male, 18-65 years; low-income African American women BMI ≥25, PA not part of eligibility. PA, multiple brief, GP Usual care 6 Self-report: 7d-PAR
Elley (2003),31 New Zealand Cluster n=878, 34% male, 40-79 years; general population, inactive PA, multiple brief, primary care health professional and exercise specialist Usual care 12 Self-report: Auckland heart study questionnaire
Fortier (2011),32 Canada Individual n=120, 31% male, 18-69 years; general population, inactive PA, intensive, GP and PA counsellor Brief GP counselling 6 Device measure: Actical
Garcia-Ortiz (2018),33 Spain Individual n=833, 38% male, <70 years; general population, PA not part of eligibility PA and diet, multiple brief, nurse Brief nurse counselling 12 Device measure: ActiGraph
Goldstein (1999),34 US Cluster n=355, 76% male, ≥50 years; general population, inactive PA, multiple brief, GP and researcher Usual care 8 Self-report: PASE
Gomez-Huelgas (2015),35 Spain Individual n=601, 55% male, 18-80 years; metabolic syndrome patients, PA not part of eligibility PA and diet, multiple brief, nurse Usual care 36 Self-report: Minnesota Leisure-Time PA Questionnaire
Grandes (2011),36 Spain Cluster n=4317, 35% male, 20-80 years; general population, inactive PA, brief, GP Usual care 24 Self-report: 7d-PAR
Hall (2011),37
Morey (2009),38 US
Individual n=234, 100% male, ≥70 years; older adults with multiple morbidities, inactive PA, multiple brief, GP and lifestyle counsellor Usual care 24‡ Self-report: CHAMPS
Harari (2008),39 UK Cluster n=2503, 46% male, >65 years; general population, PA not part of eligibility Lifestyle including PA, brief, GP Usual care 12 Self-report: PASE
Hardeman (2020),40 UK Individual n=1007, 38% male, 40-74 years; general population, PA not part of eligibility PA, brief, primary care practitioner Usual care 3 Device measure: ActiGraph
Harris (2012),41 Australia Cluster n=699, 43% male, 40-64 years; hypertension, hyperlipidaemia or aged 56-64 years, PA not part of eligibility PA, diet and lifestyle, intensive, GP or nurse and dietician or exercise specialist Usual care 12 Self-report: Brief assessment tool
Harris (2018 PACE-Lift),42 UK Cluster n=298, 46% male, 60-75 years; general population, PA not part of eligibility PA, intensive, nurse Usual care 48 Device measure: ActiGraph
Harris (2018 PACE-UP),42 UK Cluster n=1023, 36% male, 45-75 years; general population, inactive PA, multiple brief, nurse Usual care 36 Device measure: ActiGraph
Hellgren (2020),43 Sweden Individual n=123, 42% male, 35-75 years; individuals with prediabetes, PA not part of eligibility PA and lifestyle, intensive, nurse Usual care 60 Self-report: leisure time PA per week
Hesselink (2013),44 Netherlands Cluster n=366, 53% male, ≥45 years; individuals with impaired fasting glucose, PA not part of eligibility PA and diet, multiple brief, nurse Usual care 24 Self-report: SQUASH
Huebschmann (2018),45 US Individual n=50, 50% male, 50-85 years; patients with type 2 diabetes, inactive PA, multiple brief, GP and clinic staff coach Enhanced usual care: printed materials and mailings 3 Device measure: ActiGraph

The term GP includes physician, clinician, doctor, general practitioner.

7d-PAR=7-day Physical Activity Recall; CHAMPS=Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors; IPAQ=International Physical Activity Questionnaire (short form); MVPA=moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity; PA=physical activity; PASE=Physical activity Scale for the Elderly; RCT=randomised controlled trial; SQUASH=Short Questionnaire to assess health-enhancing physical activity.


Usual care as stated in paper.

Mean age stated when age range was not reported in study.

Adherence to physical activity guidelines assessed at 12 months only.