Genome browser view of the of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) locus. The scheme indicated the APOE epsilon haplotype coding SNPs (rs7412, rs429358) and the SNP in genetic enhancer (rs1065853) for the APOE LOAD GWAS locus. Tracks include (upper to lower): Chromatin state segmentation information for brain tissues (brain hippocampus middle, brain inferior temporal lobe, brain dorsolateral prefrontal cortex), orange shading indicates active enhancers (Roadmap); gene structure (UCSC gene); TFs ChIP‐seq (ENCODE); TF binding sites in cell‐lines; and SNPs position (dbSNP150). The enhancer SNP disrupts multiple TFs. A, UCSC genome browser plot for APOE locus that includes the APOE‐haplotype coding SNPs (rs7412, rs429358) and the SNP (rs1065853) in the enhancer that disrupts several TFs including TAL1, TEAD4, POLR2A, and NR2F2. B, Inset shows detail surrounding the enhancer SNP (rs1065853). GWAS, genome‐wide association study; LOAD, late‐onset Alzheimer's disease; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; TF, transcription factor