Figure 1.
Multiple alignments of Fks2 (β-1,3-glucan synthase catalytic subunit 2) nucleotide and amino acid sequences from C. glabrata resistant and susceptible strains. Multiple nucleotide (a) and amino acid sequence alignments (b) that show a 3 nucleotide deletion (1974-CTT-1976) and a single amino acid deletion (F659-Del), respectively, occurring only in resistant strains of C. glabrata. (c) A consensus C. glabrata Fks2 membrane protein structure and topology model predicted by seven different membrane protein secondary structure prediction servers and visualized with Protter.88 Hot spots 1 and 2 are showed in red, as well the position F659 at which the single amino acid deletion associated with resistance to echinocandins occurs. This figure appears in colour in the online version of JAC and in black and white in the print version of JAC.