FIG. 2.
RAPD and ribotyping patterns of seven C. diphtheriae strains isolated from members of three households. Lane M contains molecular weight marker. Lanes 1 to 3 contain strains isolated from members of household 2. Lane 1, PR79 (biotype gravis, toxigenic); lane 2, PR110 (biotype mitis, toxigenic); and lane 3, PR115 (biotype mitis, toxigenic). Lanes 4 and 5 contain strains isolated from members of household 1. Lane 4, PR101 (biotype mitis, nontoxigenic); lane 5, PR130 (biotype mitis, toxigenic). Lanes 6 and 7 contain strains isolated from members of household 3. Lane 6, PR20 (biotype mitis, nontoxigenic); lane 7, PR75 (biotype gravis, toxigenic).