Optimization of the aerosolization of MERS-CoV. (a) Comparison of SF values following the addition of 2% fetal calf serum (FCS) to the Collison and impinger fluids. (b) Comparison of the SF values at different relative humidities, where low is 34.1% ± 2.2%, medium is 52.6% ± 3.6%, and high is 85.4% ± 6.0%. (c) Particle size distribution at different relative humidities. (d) Effect of ultracentrifugation and concentration of the viral stock on SF values. Significant differences were determined by ANOVA (a and b) or a t test (d) with data transformed, Y = log(Y), to ensure normal data (ns, not significant [P > 0.05]; *, P < 0.05).