SMC1A regulates CSCs in control and x-irradiated prostate cancer cells. A-C, Expression of stem cell markers, CD44, LEF1, and POU5F1 was checked in DU145-SMC1A shRNA and PC3-SMC1A shRNA cells irradiated (0–5 Gy) and grown in standard culture conditions for 48 h, by qRT-PCR. D, Expression of CD44 was further quantified by flow cytometry in control and SMC1A expressing DU145 and PC3 cells x-irradiated with clinically relevant dose (2 Gy). E, Expression of stem-like cell markers, POU5F1, CD44, and ALDH1 was also checked in control and x-irradiated (2 Gy) NT and SMC1A shRNA expressing DU145 and PC3 cells by Western blot. Our data show that SMC1A regulates the expression of stem-like cells in x-irradiated and control cells