Fig. 2. BCLC stratification upon radiological progression.
This “BCLC upon progression” (BCLCp) proposal classifies as BCLCp-B those patients who present radiological progression due to growth of existing nodules (≥20%) or new intrahepatic sites but are still within BCLC-B because of the absence of vascular invasion or extrahepatic spread or cancer-related symptoms (PS 0). Those patients who present radiological progression and evolve to BCLC-C or progress within BCLC-C are divided at the time of progression into: BCLCp-C1: those patients who present radiological progression due to growth of existing nodules (≥20%) or new intrahepatic sites, and BCLCp C2: those patients who present progression due to new extrahepatic lesion and/or vascular invasion. BCLC, Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer; PS, performance status.