Fig. 1. Growth of wafer-scale monolayer MoS2 by sulfur monomer supply.
a Schematic of sulfur (S) monomer supply for the growth of MoS2. At high temperature, the released S monomers from the surface of ZnS and the vaporized Mo source from the precoated silica fiber fabric can penetrate the porous fabric and form monolayer MoS2 on the target substrate. d1 and d2 are the distances from the substrate to the ZnS and the silica fiber fabric, respectively. The red arrow denotes the diffusion of S monomers released from the ZnS surface. b In-situ mass spectrum of ZnS annealed at 1000 °C. The intense peak at the mass of 32 clearly proves the dominating release of S monomers. The measurements were carried out with carrier gas of He and the data was subtracted by background. c The illustration of the temperature-dependent release rate of S monomers (orange curve) and evapouration rate of Mo precursor (dark yellow curve). d The landing probability of Mo precursor (orange curve) as a function of d2 as modelled in Supplementary Note 2. e Optical image of the as-grown monolayer MoS2 domains on sapphire when d2 is 100 μm. f Photograph of a 2-inch monolayer MoS2 film on sapphire when d2 is 20 μm. The uncovered regions are the positions of the mica spacers.