Fig. 4. Changes in cell signaling in response to LZTR1 knockdown.
a, b Impact of LZTR1 loss on a RAS-GTP activity as measured by RAS-GTPase activation ELISA assay, and b RAS levels, 5 days after shLZTR1 infection. Data in a are expressed as the average of triplicate or duplicate wells with error bars indicating 95% confidence intervals. LZTR1 knockdown showed a statistically significant increase of RAS-GTP activity (P = 0.006; two-sided, unpaired Wilcoxon rank-sum test). c Effect of LZTR1 loss on MAPK activity. d YUSIK melanoma cells were incubated with the PLX4032 (500 nM) or LY3009120 (100 nM), BRAF, and pan-RAF kinase inhibitors, respectively, for 4 h at the end of treatment with LZTR1 shRNA. e RAS translocation to the cytoplasm in response to shLZTR1. RAS is visualized by staining with magenta, and GM130 or calnexin with green (Cy2). Scale bar = 50 µm. shRNAs are indicated in panels a–d by numeric identifiers; C scrambled shRNA control. Actin levels in a–d show protein loading. Cell lines indicated above the plots are colored according to their origin: acral melanoma (blue), sun-exposed melanoma (red), and normal melanocytes (gray). NBMEL newborn melanocytes. Panels a, b, d, and e represent a single experiment; panel c represents one of two experiments. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.