Fig. 1. Identification of CDK6 protein upregulation in relapsed multiple myeloma patients.
A Bone marrow samples of five multiple myeloma patients were obtained at diagnosis and at relapse. Samples were subjected to TMT-based quantitative proteomic analysis and RNA sequencing. B Protein level changes at relapse/diagnosis were determined for each patient (N = 5) and analyzed with a moderated 1-sample t-test. Average log2(fold change) of each protein is plotted against its –log10(p-value). Top regulated proteins passing the 0.1 FDR significance cutoff are highlighted in color. C Western blot validation of top candidates in an independent patient cohort of primary patient samples obtained pre-treatment and at relapse (N = 13 patient samples). D Median normalized protein intensities (log2 TMT intensities) of CDK6, TRIP13, RRM1 and CRBN in all 10 samples were plotted against their respective normalized RNA expression levels (log2 TPM values). Samples from the same patient are connected. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.