Table 1.
Summary of prevalence, onset, duration, and symptoms associated with postpartum mental illnesses.
Disorder | Prevalence | Onset | Duration | Symptoms |
Baby blues | 80% | Within 2–3 days after giving birth | Up to 2 weeks | Mood swings, Anxiety, Crying, Sleep disturbances |
Postpartum depression | 10–20% | Longer and more intense than baby blues; May start within a few weeks after giving birth, or later, up until a year after |
Months or longer | Mood swings, Anxiety, Crying, Anger, Irritability, Hopelessness, Anhedonia, Trouble concentrating, Thoughts of harming baby, Disinterest/inability to bond with baby, Sleep disturbances, Appetite and weight changes |
Postpartum anxiety (generalized, panic disorders, OCD) | 10–20% | May start within a few days after giving birth, or later, up until a year after | Months or longer | Panic and fear, Feeling on-edge, Trouble concentrating, Thoughts that are: overwhelming, racing, uncontrollable and illogical, Fear and irrational thoughts centered often around baby, Sleep disturbances, Rapid heartbeat |
Postpartum psychosis | Rare; 1:1,000 births | Within 1st week, often within 72 hours, after giving birth | Most severe symptoms last 2–12 weeks, 6–12 months to fully resolve | Mood swings, Hyperactivity, Irritability, Paranoia, Suspiciousness, Hallucinations, Delusions, Difficulty communicating, Sleep disturbances |