Germany |
▪ IN FORM National Action Plan for the Prevention of Malnutrition, Physical Inactivity, Obesity and Related Diseases [IN FORM Nationaler Aktionsplan zur Prävention von Fehlernährung, Bewegungsmangel, Übergewicht und damit zusammenhängenden Krankheiten] |
(21) |
▪ Health Targets [] |
(9) |
Switzerland |
▪ National Strategy Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases 2017–2024 [Nationale Strategie Prävention nichtübertragbarer Krankheiten 2017–2024] |
(18) |
▪ National Strategy Cardiovascular Diseases, Stroke and Diabetes 2017–2024 [Nationale Strategie Herz- und Gefäßkrankheiten, Hirnschlag und Diabetes 2017–2024] |
(15) |
Netherlands |
▪ The National Prevention Programme 2014–2016 |
(22) |
Finland |
▪ National Mental Health Strategy and Programme for Suicide Prevention 2020–2030 |
(10) |
UK |
▪ No Health Without Mental Health: A Cross-Government Mental Health Outcomes Strategy for People of All Ages |
(25) |
▪ An Outcomes Strategy for COPD and Asthma |
(24) |
▪ Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Strategy. Improving outcomes for people with or at risk of cardiovascular disease |
(23) |
▪ A Diabetes Strategic Framework |
(17) |
Ireland |
▪ National Framework for the Integrated Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease in Ireland 2020–2025 |
(11) |
▪ Changing Cardiovascular Health. National Cardiovascular Health Policy |
(26) |
Canada |
▪ Improving health outcomes: A paradigm shift. Center for Chronic Disease Prevention – Strategic Plan 2016–2019 |
(19) |
▪ Changing directions, changing lives: The Mental Health Strategy for Canada |
(16) |
Australia |
▪ National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions |
(13) |
▪ Australian National Diabetes Strategy |
(20) |
▪ National Strategic Action Plan for Lung Conditions |
(12) |
▪ The Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan |
(14) |