Figure 7.
sTREM-1 levels are increased in the plasma of patients with renal cell carcinoma. (A) Serum from healthy donors (n = 10) or patients with either localized (n = 5) or metastatic (n = 9) renal cell carcinoma (RCC) was tested for soluble TREM-1 (sTREM-1) levels by ELISA. (B) sTREM-1 levels between stage I (localized) and stage IV (metastatic) RCC patients demonstrating a trend towards higher levels with worsening stage. (C) sTREM-1 levels in RCC patients from the Fox Chase Cancer Center (n = 63) and healthy controls (n = 20). (D) Percent of CD45+ blood leukocytes expressing TREM-1 in RCC patients and healthy controls. (E) Soluble TREM-1 levels are plotted vs. the percentages of blood leukocytes expressing TREM-1 in RCC (left) and healthy controls (right). The r values and p-values of the correlation analysis are shown. (F) Fluorescence intensity (geometric mean) of TREM-1 staining of RCC patients is plotted against the sTREM-1 values for those same patients. The r values and p-values of the correlation analysis are shown.