Increased CD8+ T-cell infiltration into tumors after oncolytic immunotherapy is observed in patients with concomitant TIM-3 decrease, which accounts for further improved overall survival. (A) Percentual change in CD8a IHC score following oncolytic adenovirus treatment in six patients with TIM-3 decrease (circle symbols) and five control patients (TIM-3 increase, triangle symbols; TIM-3 data not available, square symbols): ≥2 fold CD8+ increase was only observed in patients with concomitant TIM-3 decrease (open circles; p=0.015, Fisher’s exact test). (B) Representative CD8a IHC of liver metastasis biopsies of a colon adenocarcinoma patient C341 before (top) and after oncolytic adenovirus treatment (bottom) presenting a 45-fold increase (+4454.1%) in CD8a+ IHC score (brown color). (C) PBMCs collected on the same days as microarray samples were assessed for tumor-associated antigen (survivin) reactive effector cells by IFN-γ ELISPOT. TIM-3 decrease patients showed high baseline effector responses in blood, followed by reduction in circulation and concomitant CD8+ TIL increase in tumors on oncolytic virus therapy (A, B), compatible with CD8+ T-cell trafficking. Limited numbers of subjects had available PBMC samples (n=6 and n=3 in TIM-3 decrease and increase groups, respectively), which precluded statistical determination. See also online supplemental figure S6 for linear correlation of CD8+ redistribution compatible with trafficking phenomenon. (D) Kaplan-Meier analysis of subgroups based on both TIM-3 status and evidence of CD8+ influx into tumors: TIM-3 decrease patients who experienced CD8+ T-cell influx (open circles in A) survived longer than patients without both of these phenomena (median OS 336 days vs 72 days in combined others, p=0.002, log-rank test). See also online supplemental figure S7 for survival analysis based also on CD8A expression data in patients that lacked CD8a immunohistochemistry data (NA). *P<0.05, **P<0.01. IFN-γ, interferon gamma; IHC, immunohistochemistry; N/A, not available; OS, overall survival; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; SFC, spot-forming colonies; TIM-3, T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-3.