Fig. 4.
In vivo effect of ARM1 on H. pylori infection in C57BL/6J mice.
A. The mice infection and treatment schedule utilized to investigate in vivo efficacy of ARM1 against H. pylori BHKS159.
B. Quantification of bacterial burden in the stomach of H. pylori‐infected mice, euthanatized 48 h after the last treatment with PBS, triple therapy (OPZ + AC), omeprazole and ARM1 (OPZ + ARM1) respectively. Error bars represent the SD derived from 7 infected mice per group. If no colonies were present, calculations were made using the limit of detection (102 CFU g‐1). **P < 0.01. ‘ns’ represents no significant difference (P > 0.05).
C. Histological staining analysis of mice after the indicated treatments. Representative images of H&E or TUNEL stained stomach from infected mice receiving different treatments in vivo. TUNEL stain showed that OPZ + ARM1 treatment had the same safety level as control (n ≥ 5, scale bar = 100 μm).