Figure 4.
Temporal generalization matrices. (a) We trained independent decoders for each time bin around the onset of isolated stimuli. These decoders were then tested on the other time bins and we display here their accuracy. The gray dashed line shows times at which training and testing times coincide. White contours delineate clusters of pixels for which accuracy is significantly higher than chance (P < 0.001, random permutations corrected for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini–Hochberg false discovery rate procedure). Note that after an early period with time-dependent representations, the code becomes stable and generalizes to other time bins. (b) Same as in (a). The classifiers are still trained with isolated stimuli but tested on stimuli presented in RSVP sequences. Note that for stimuli in positions 1–4, late decoders can decode early activity but the reverse is not true. (c) Same as in (a) but with decoders trained with stimuli in positions 2, 3, or 4 of the RSVP sequence. Note that early decoders can decode late activity but the reverse is not true. (d) Same as in (b) but with decoders trained with stimuli in positions 2, 3, or 4 of the RSVP sequence