Figure 2.
Peroxisome-organelle membrane contact sites and their roles in organelle functions. Peroxisomes’ contact with mitochondria involves (1) peroxisomal Pex11 and mitochondrial Mdm34, (2) peroxisomal Pex34 and an unknown mitochondrial protein, (3) mitofusin Fzo1 on both peroxisome and mitochondria, and (4) peroxisomal ACBD2/ECI2 and mitochondrial TOMM20. The interaction between peroxisomes and the ER involves (1) peroxisomal ACBD5 and resident ER protein VAPB and (2) peroxisomal ABCD3 and ER protein ATF6α upon Ceapin treatment. In mammalian cells, the contact between peroxisomes and lysosomes involves phospholipid PI(4,5)P2 on the peroxisomal membrane and lysosomal Syt7. Abbreviations: Pex11, peroxin 11; Mdm34, mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 34; Pex34, peroxin 34; Fzo1, mitofusin; ACBD2/ECI2, acyl-coenzyme A-binding domain or enoyl-CoA-δ isomerase 2; TOMM20, translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 20; ACBD5, acyl-CoA binding domain-containing protein 5; VAPB, vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B/C; ABCD3, ATP binding cassette subfamily D member 3; ATF6, activating transcription factor 6; PI(4,5)P2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; Syt7, synaptotagmin VII.