Autophagy regulation by TORC1 and MTORC1. (A) In yeast, nutrient sources activate TORC1 basically through activated Gtr1-Gtr2 heterodimer. The activated MTORC1 inhibits auto-phagy through phosphorylating Atg13, inducing degradation of ATG mRNA and inhibiting Rim15 translocation to nucleus, which releases some repressing transcription factors such as Rph1 and Ume6 and induces ATG genes transcription. (B) In mammalian cells, amino acids activate RRAG GTPase and recruit MTORC1 to lysosomes, where it is activated by RHEB. Activated MTORC1 phosphorylates several ATG proteins and inhibits their functions. Meanwhile, MTORC1 dependent phosphorylation in TFEB, MITF, and TFE3 blocks their translocation into nucleus and the induction of ATG and CLEAR genes transcription. Solid and dashed lines represent direct and indirect regulations respectively.