Lack of correlation between RasGRP1 mRNA and protein levels with age and PMI in the hippocampus of schizophrenia patients. Analysis of correlation between age and mRNA and protein levels of RasGRP1 in post-mortem hippocampus of (a,e) control subjects (CTR, RasGRP1 mRNA: n = 18, RasGRP1 protein: n = 20) and (b,f) SCZ patients (SCZ, RasGRP1 mRNA: n = 19, RasGRP1 protein: n = 20). Analysis of correlation between PMI with mRNA and protein levels of RasGRP1 in DLPFC of (c,g) control subjects (CTR, RasGRP1 mRNA: n = 18, RasGRP1 protein: n = 20) and (d,h) SCZ patients (SCZ, RasGRP1 mRNA: n = 19, RasGRP1 protein: n = 20).