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. 2022 Feb 12;11(4):645. doi: 10.3390/cells11040645

Table 5.

Human studies in anesthesia.

Author Aim and Study Design Numer of Subjects Population Lamotrigine
Dose and Root
Dose and Root
Tests and Measures Outcomes
Chan et al. 2018 [53] Case series 13 TRD and TRBD patients, 2 of them (TRBD) received ketamine and lamotrigine Patient 1
Lamotrigine 200 mg/d oraly
Patient 2
Lamotrigine 200 mg/d oraly
Patient 1
Ketamine 0.5 mg/kg iv 42 infusions over 7 months
Patient 2
Ketamine 0.5 mg/kg iv
Single infusion
Patient 1
Mood, suicidality and cognitive functions improved
Patient 2
Active suicidal ideation resolved 24 h after ketamine infusion
Huang et al. 2016 [54] Case report 1 25 years old male with ketamine use disorder Lamotrigine 100 mg/d orally (slow titration) He used ketamine 6–10 times almost daily (total, 4–5 g/day) by smokind and snorting Not stated one case of ketamine use disorder who experienced a great reduction in
craving and ketamine use after lamotrigine treatment
Kornhal and Nielsen 2014 [55] Case report describing Failure of Ketamine Anesthesia in
a patient with lamotrigine overdose
1 bipolar patient - Lamotrigine intoxication, serum concentration was
191.9 micromol/Ltherapeutic reference
area is 10–60 micromol/L.
ketamine dose of 250 mg iv
Not stated Despite being injected with a total of 250 mg ketamine,
The patient presented no signs of dissociative anaesthesia.

TRD = treatment resistant depression; TRBD = treatment resistant bipolar depression; 16 item Self-Report Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (QIDS-SR16); Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).