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. 2021 Nov 2;6(3):496–512. doi: 10.1002/hep4.1826


Logistic Regression Analysis of Factors Associated With Loss to Follow‐up

Variable Attended SVR12 (n = 9,174) Did Not Attend SVR12 (n = 1,669) Unadjusted Adjusted
(95% CI) (95% CI)
Female (ref) 2,842 (85) 499 (15)
Male 6,318 (84) 1,166 (16) 1.01 (0.89‐1.13) 0.09 1.06 (0.93‐1.20) 0.38
Transgender 14 (78) 4 (22) 1.42 (0.45‐4.56) 0.55 1.28 (0.40‐4.16) 0.68
Age, median (IQR)
Age in years 52 (43‐58) 45 (38‐54) 0.96 (0.96‐0.97) <0.01 0.97 (0.97‐0.98) <0.01
≥60 (ref) 1651 (92) 148 (8)
50‐59 3433 (89) 445 (11) 1.42 (1.17‐1.74) <0.01
40‐49 2,325 (81) 531 (19) 2.43 (1.99‐2.97) <0.01
30‐39 1,381 (77) 419 (23) 3.25 (2.64‐4.02) <0.01
18‐29 384 (75) 126 (25) 3.45 (2.60‐4.56) <0.01
Indigenous identification
No (ref) 6,922 (86) 1,174 (15)
Yes 697 (76) 218 (24) 1.70 (1.42‐2.03) <0.01 1.21 (1.00‐1.46) 0.05
Unknown 1555 (85) 277 (15) 1.19 (0.97‐1.41) 0.09 1.04 (0.86‐1.26) 0.69
No (ref) 7,076 (84) 1,362 (16)
Yes 2,067 (88) 286 (12) 0.81 (0.70‐0.94) <0.01 1.04 (0.89‐1.22) 0.60
Unknown 31 (60) 21 (40) 2.48 (1.37‐4.47) <0.01 1.38 (0.75‐2.55) 0.31
Neither (ref) 5,285 (89) 689 (11)
IDU only 720 (73) 264 (27) 2.52 (2.10‐3.02) <0.01 1.76 (1.45‐2.14) <0.01
IDU + OAT 602 (77) 184 (23) 2.02 (1.63‐2.51) <0.01 1.44 (1.15‐1.80) <0.01
OAT only 958 (83) 193 (17) 1.52 (1.26‐1.84) <0.01 1.39 (1.14‐1.70) <0.01
Unknown 1,509 (82) 339 (18) 1.98 (1.68‐2.33) <0.01 1.89 (1.59‐2.25) <0.01
HIV status
Negative (ref) 8,379 (85) 1,523 (15)
Positive 370 (93) 28 (7) 0.38 (0.25‐0.59) <0.01 0.39 (0.25‐0.61) <0.01
Unknown 425 (78) 118 (22) 1.50 (1.17‐1.89) <0.01 1.23 (0.96‐1.57) 0.10
Previous HCV treatment
No (ref) 7,809 (84) 1,520 (16)
Yes – interferon‐free 129 (83) 27 (17) 0.95 (0.62‐1.47) 0.82 0.66 (0.42‐1.05) 0.08
Yes – interferon‐containing 1,162 (93) 87 (7) 0.42 (0.33‐0.52) <0.01 0.58 (0.46‐0.73) <0.01
Unknown 74 (68) 35 (32) 1.54 (1.00‐2.37) 0.05 1.18 (0.75‐1.86) 0.48
Service type
Specialist liver clinic (ref) 5,129 (89) 633 (11)
GP/SHS/CHC 2,620 (80) 672 (20) 1.97 (1.35‐2.88) <0.01 1.39 (0.95‐2.03) 0.09
Drug and alcohol service 546 (80) 139 (20) 1.84 (1.14‐2.96) 0.01 1.17 (0.72‐1.90) 0.52
Prison 549 (81) 130 (19) 1.62 (0.92‐2.87) 0.10 0.59 (0.34‐1.05) 0.08
Other 322 (78) 91 (22) 2.44 (1.43‐4.14) <0.01 1.28 (0.76‐2.14) 0.36
Unknown 8 (67) 4 (33) 3.82 (0.76‐19.17) 0.10 3.02 (0.58‐15.64) 0.19
Location of health service provision
Major city (ref) 5,934 (85) 1,011 (15)
Regional or remote 3,240 (83) 658 (17) 1.31 (0.93‐1.83) 0.12 1.37 (1.00‐1.88) 0.05
Year of treatment initiation
2016 (ref) 4,867 (91) 474 (9)
2017 2,575 (83) 536 (17) 2.32 (2.02‐2.67) <0.01 2.16 (1.87‐2.49) <0.01
2018 1,348 (74) 483 (26) 3.94 (3.37‐4.60) <0.01 3.63 (3.09‐4.27) <0.01
2019 384 (69) 176 (31) 4.74 (3.80‐5.90) <0.01 4.49 (3.57‐5.64) <0.01

Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise specified.


Determined by any method.


Abbreviations: CHC, community health center; GP, general practice; SHS, sexual health service.