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. 2022 Jan 24;12(2):153. doi: 10.3390/brainsci12020153

Table 1.

Characteristics of selected studies.

Author (Year) Country N (F/M) Age Mean (SD), Range Method of Pain Induction Pain Assessment Main Study Focus Derived HRV Measures Hrv and Pain-Related Findings
Acevedo et al., (2020) [32] United States 195 (138/57) 20.3 (2.5) Thermal pain: cold pressor task PI on a VRS (0–100) The attenuating role of positive affect on physiological responses to acute pain. RMSSD All conditions had a significant increase in RMSSD in response to the CPT. Participants in the low arousal calm and high arousal excited conditions had a significant greater PNS activation during reactivity.
Adler-Neal et al., (2020) [33] United States 62 (31/31) 30.53 (1.32) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PI and PU on a VAS (0–10) Relationship between the PNS and mindfulness-based pain attenuation HF Mindfulness-induced PU reductions were associated with higher HF compared with sham-mindfulness meditation. HF significantly increased during pain stimulation.
Appelhans and Luecken (2008) [13] United States 59 (37/22) 19.74 (1.83) Thermal pain: cold plate PI and PU on a NRS (0–100). PTh Between-person variability in pain sensitivity LF
PI not predicted by LF or HF. High LF predicted lower PU scores and greater of PTh (notable and moderate). No association between HF and pain measures.
de Araujo et al., (2018) [34] Brazil 57 (39/18) 22.66 (3.9) Pressure pain (pressure algometer) PPTh (palmar digital agometer) Comparing the effects of two mobilization techniques and a placebo intervention, applied on the thoracic vertebral column on HRV and on PPT in asymptomatic subjects RR
RR trindex
HF nu
LF nu
LH/HF ratio
No difference between groups in HRV, no difference between groups in PPT, except for a reference point (mobilization SLUMP increases PPT of ipsilateral tibialis compared to mobilization PA).
Arsenault et al., (2013) [35] Canada 20 (9/11) 26.9 (6.1), 21–42 Transcutaneous electrical stimulation PI and PTh on a NRS (0–100). Pain Catastrophizing Scale. The effects of respiration on pain modulation LF
LF power higher during the two slow breathing conditions.
Aslaksen et al., (2007) [36] Norway 64 (32/32) 23.45 (3.24), 19–40 Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PI and PU on a VAS (0–100) The modulating role of experimenter gender on autonomic pain responses LF/HF ratio PI ratings lower for male subject × female experimenter. PU higher in women compared with men. LF/HF ratio increased during pain compared with interstimulus intervals.
Aslaksen and Flaten (2008) [37] Norway 63 (32/31) 24.25 (5.05), 18–40 Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PI and PU on VAS (1–100) The effects of placebo administration on negative emotions and pain ratings LF/HF ratio Lower LF/HF ratio and PI during placebo condition.
Balocchi et al., (2005) [38] Italy 21 22 (1.3) Pressure pain (pressure algometer) PI on a scale (1–10) The effect of hypnotic susceptibility on heart rate variability, in subjects receiving nociceptive stimulation and suggestion of analgesia LF
In Highs, PI different between PAIN and AN. In Lows, HF significantly increased, and LF decreased during PAIN compared with B1.
Bendixen et al., (2012) [39] Denmark 16 (16/0) 22.9 (2.4) Muscle pain: injection of hypertonic saline solution;
thermal pain: cold pressor test
PI and PU on a NRS (0–10), pain on palpation (POP) on a NRS (0–100) The modulating role of CPT and PASAT on muscle pain and autonomic function Mean RR
Decreased RMSSD, HF, and CCV-HF during CPT. PI and PU higher in HS1 than HS2 during CPT and PASAT conditions.
Bendixen et al., (2013) [40] Denmark 16(16/0) 23.6, 20–29 Muscle pain: injection of hypertonic saline solution PI and PU on a NRS (0–10). Pain on palpation (POP) on a NRS (0–100) The effect of propranolol on hypertonic saline-evoked pain and autonomic activity during rest and during PASAT Mean RR
LF/HF ratio
Parasympathetic parameters were increased in propranolol group compared with control group.
Boggero and Segerstrom (2019a) [41] United States 100 (62/38) Younger adults: 19.06 (1.81), 18–28;
older adults: 73.44 (4.73), 65–84
Thermal pain: hand immersion in cold water PI on a VRS (0–10) Strategies employed by younger and older adults in order to maintain the affective well-being after an acute pain Log HRV Older adults demonstrated significantly lower HRV than younger adults. No correlations between pain and HRV were reported.
Boggero and Segerstrom (2019b) [42] United States 240 (122/118) 19.38 (2.39), 18–39 Pressure pain (pressure algometer);
thermal: immersion of the non-dominant foot in cold water
PPTh The relationship between self-regulatory ability and the experience of pain Log HF No relationship between pain and HRV was found.
Bourassa et al., (2019) [43] United States 102 (77/25) 19.1 (1.75) Thermal pain: cold pressor task PI on NRS (0–10) The mediating role of a romantic partner in cardiovascular responses during the cold pressor task RSA PI significantly lower in the partner present condition compared with control and mental activation conditions. No significant differences in HRV between conditions.
Burton et al., (2009) [44] Australia 26 (13/13) 28 Muscle and subdermal pain: injection of sterile hypertonic saline solution PI on a VAS (0–10) The effects of deep and superficial pain on muscle sympathetic nerve activity LF
LF/HF ratio
Significant increase in LF/HF ratio during both muscle and superficial pain.
Chalaye et al., (2009) [45] Canada 20 (9/11) 25.1 (5.6) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PTh; PTo. The effects of breathing on heat pain and autonomic cardiac activity SDNN
LF power
HF power
SDNN and LF power significantly increased during pain in deep breathing and HR Biofeedback conditions. No significant differences in HF power.
PTh significantly higher during slow deep breathing, HR Biofeedback and distraction conditions; PTo higher in slow deep breathing and HR Biofeedback conditions.
Cho (2019) [46] Korea 45 (21/24) 22.4 (1.49) Electrical stimuli PTh The effects of electrical stimulation on the autonomic nervous system HRV HRV significantly different between the HF-Li and LF-Hi groups immediately after stimulation and between the HF-LI and LF-Hi groups 30 min after stimulation.
Chouchou et al., (2011) [47] France 14 (4/10) 32.8 (7.3) Thermal pain: heat (laser) PTh on a Likert-type scale (0–10) The assessment of autonomic responses to pain during sleep Mean RR
Wavelet power coefficient of
HF, and
LF/HF ratio
RR significantly decreased after the stimuli.
LF and LF/HF ratio significantly increased after the stimuli.
No significant differences in HF.
Cotton et al., (2018) [48] United States 34 (26/8) 43.18 (11.68) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PI on a VAS (0–200)PU on a VAS (−100–100) Autonomic responses to pain in yoga practitioners compared to a control group RSA
Yogis had significantly slower RSA during baseline compared with controls.
Controls had lower RSA during pain than during warm trials. Yogis had the same lever of RSA during both pain and warm trials.
Courtois et al., (2020) [49] Belgium Ex 1: 31(31/0);
Ex 2: 28 (28/0);
Ex 3: 24 (24/0)
Ex 1: 22.45 (3.10);
Ex 2: 20.25 (2.50);
Ex 3: 22.55 (3.16)
Ex 1: electrical pain;
Ex 2: Thermal (thermal stmulator);
Ex 3: Mechanical pain (pressure algometer)
PTh. PI on a NRS (0–10) The effect of slow deep breathing (SDB) on pain sensitivity, HRV, and baroreflex sensitivity RMSSD RMSSD increased during SDB in all experimental conditions. No differences in pain ratings were found, nor in relationships between subjective pain and HRV.
De Pascalis and Scacchia (2019) [50] Italy 65 (65/0) 24.5 (2.5), 18–36 Thermal pain: cold cup test Pain expectation and PI on a NRS (0–100) The influence of personality traits on placebo analgesia RR
LF power
HF power
LF/HF ratio
Negative correlation was found between pain and time domain but not between pain and frequency domain.
Dodo and Hashimoto (2017) [51] Japan 74 21.14 (2.93) Thermal pain: cold pressor test Pain perception on the Wong–Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale, PI on a scale (0–5) The relationship between anxiety sensitivity and autonomic responses during pain CVI
CVI: significantly higher during CPT in both the low-AS and the high-AS group; low group also higher in recovery compared with rest; during recovery, significantly higher in low-As group than in the high-As group. Subjective pain higher in high-As group than low-As group post-CPT.
Evans et al., (2014) [52] United States 63 (29/34) 18.98 (1.62) Thermal pain: cold pressor task PTo (total time in sec) The effects of brief mindfulness instructions on pain tolerance and HRV Log HF power Higher HRV at baseline positively correlated with greater PTo in the control group.
Fauchon et al., (2017) [53] France 40 (20/20) 23.2 (8.2) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PI on a VAS (0–100); PTh The effect of perceived support on pain modulation and associated vegetative reactions IBI No correlation between IBI and pain.
Fauchon et al., (2018) [54] France 76 (17/59) 27.8 (6.3) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) n.r. The role of context in the autonomic responses to acute pain LF
LF/HF ratio
LF/HF ratio significantly increased in response to pain only during unempathetic condition. Higher LF during unempathetic condition than in neutral condition.
Fazalbhoy et al., (2012) [55] Australia 12 (1/11) 18–48 Muscle pain: injection of a hypertonic solution PI on a VAS (0–10); McGill Pain Questionnaire The cardiovascular responses to tonic pain LF
LF/HF ratio
Increasing MSNA group: significantly higher LF power and LF/HF ratio, lower HF power and RMSSD.
Fidanza et al., (2017) [56] Italy 51 (28/23) 20–27 Electrical stimulation;
thermal pain: cold pressor test
PI (0–10) The relationship between pain modulation (suggestion of analgesia VS Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Control) and hypnotizability LF/HF ratio HRV was not modulated by pain experience.
Geisler et al., (2020) [57] Germany 33 (0/33) 27.4 (5.65) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator);
pressure pain (pressure algometer);
thermal pain: hand immersion in cold water
PI of all stimuli on a VAS (0–100) Differences in endogenous pain modulation in a sample of athletes and nonathletes RMSSD
Athletes had higher RMSSD at rest compared with nonathletes. Negative association between HRV and placebo.
Geva et al., (2017) [58] Israel 25 (0/25) 35.9 (10) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PTh and Pto with the thermal stimulator; PI on a VAS (0–10) Loss of pain modulation under acute psychosocial stress in triathletes HRV HRV correlated negatively with the reduction in CPM due to stress.
Ghione et al., (2004) [59] Italy 10 (0/10) 41 (7) Electromagnetic field exposure PTh; PTo The effects of an electromagnetic field on pain perception and on cardiovascular parameters LF
HF progressively increased during sham exposure and remained constant during magnetic exposure. LF increased during both types of exposure.
Hohenschurz-Schmidt et al., (2020) [60] United Kingdom 21 (8/13) 26.1 (5.2) Thermal pain: cold (thermal stimulator) PI and PU on a VAS (0–100) Exploration of the neural regions underpinning the relationship between ANS and pain Log LF
Log HF
LF/HF ratio
Log LF increased from baseline to cold pain. No associations between HRV and PI. During pain, a positive association was found between log LF and the functional connectivity between dACC and vmPFC. Stronger baseline PAG-vmPFC connectivity had a positive correlation with log LF and a negative correlation with PI.
Huggins and Rakobowchuk (2019) [61] Canada 16 18–35 Thermal pain: cold pressor test n.r. The utility of lacrimal car uncle infrared thermography as a method to monitor alteration in autonomic activity SDNN
Mean Rri
Mean RRi decreased with both CPT and MCR.
Iorfino et al., (2016) [62] Canada 25 (0/25) 23.96 (2.19), 20–30 Thermal pain: facial cooling PI on a VAS The role of the vagus in social cognition HRV HRV was significantly higher during FC than during NFC; HRV significantly greater during baseline than during RMET.
Jafari et al., (2020) [63] Belgium 48 (35/13) 22.5 (3) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PI on a computerized NRS (0–100); PTh The effects of instructed breathing patterns on experimental pain Mean IBI
Mean IBI lower in SB, SDB-H, and SDB-L conditions compared with UB condition. RMSSD higher in both SDB conditions compared with UB and SB conditions.
Jess et al., (2016) [64] Germany 20 (0/20) 24.2 (1.9) Electrical pain PI on a NRS (0–10) The evaluation of pain using the Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI) as a measure of HRV HRV (ANI) HRV (ANI) scores lower after each stimulus, with a significant drop within the first 2 min after each stimulus.
Kim et al., (2019) [65] United States 3159 (1810/1349) 26.07 (6.51) Pressure pain (pressure algometer);
mechanical cutaneous pain;
thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator)
Pressure: PTh;
mechanical: PTh and PI;
heat: PTh, PTo, and PI
The effects of psychological status and cardiovascular responsiveness to racial and ethnic differences in pain sensitivity SDNN
No correlations between HRV and pain have been reported.
Kobuch et al., (2015) [66] Australia 50 (25/25) 22.3 (1.15), 18–39 Muscle pain: injection of hypertonic saline solution PI on a linear potentiometer calibrated to the NRS (0–10); McGill Pain Questionnaire The relationship between baseline physiological parameters and MSNA responses to tonic muscle pain LF
LF/HF ratio
No correlations between pain and HRV have been found.
Kostantinou et al., (2020) [67] Cyprus 43 (37/6) 21.37 (3.72) Thermal pain: cold pressor task PI on a VAS (0–10); PTo and PTh Comparing psychophysiological data captured by wearable and stationary devices during experimentally induced pain RMSSD
mean RR
Both devices registered an increase in SDNN and RMSSD and a decrease in mean RR during experimental phases. Only the wearable devices registered increased pNN50 during experimental phases.
Luo et al., (2020) [68] China 29 (14/15) 19.93 (1.6), 19–27 Thermal pain: cold (holding a bottle with iced water) PI on a scale (0–10) The role and mechanisms of self-compassion in pain perception HF Increased HFs were associated with lower PI in the self-compassion compared with control condition. HF higher in self-compassion compared with control.
Martin et al., (2012) [69] United States 30 (20/10) 21 (5.5) Electric stimulation PI on a NRS (0–100); PTh The influence of experimentally manipulated breathing on pain Mean RR
HRV changed during breathing manipulation, but it was not correlated with pain outcomes.
Matthewson et al., (2019) [70] United States 84 (42/42) 27.9 (6.29) Thermal stimuli: heat (thermal stimulator) PI on a NRS (0–100) The role of cognitive self-regulation in pain experience and its effects on autonomic responses IBI Association was found between IBI and pain.
Meeuse et al., (2013) [71] Netherlands 73 (44/29) 30 (11) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PI on a VAS (0–100) The usefulness of HRV in quantifying pain intensity IBI
LF/HF ratio
lnSDNN and lnLF significantly decreased during pain compared with baseline. No significant correlation between PI and HRV parameter was found.
Nahman-Averbuch et al., (2016a) [72] Israel 40 (20/20) 26.45 (3.85) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) and cold (immersion of a foot in cold water);
mechanical pain
PTh; PI on a NPS (0–100) Sex differences in the relationship between pain perception and HRV RMSSD
LF/HF ratio
Women: LFnu significantly lower and Hfnu significantly higher.
Men: higher RMSSD significantly negatively correlated with higher pain adaptation and with more efficient CPM response.
Nahman-Averbuch et al., (2016b) [73] Israel 40 (20/20) 26.45 (3.85) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) and cold (immersion of a foot in cold water);
mechanical pain
M Pain: PI on a NPS (0–100); PTh
CPM: PI of the TS on a COVAS; CS on an NPS
The effects of oral clonidine on pain perception RMSSD
LF nu
HF nu
LF/HF ratio
Higher RMSSD in clonidine group. No differences found in the other HRV parameters.
Nahman-Averbuch et al., (2016c) [74] Israel 30 (30/0) 25.3 (4.1) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator and the immersion of a hand in hot water);
mechanical pain
Thermal: PTh; PI on a NPS (0–100);
mechanincal: PI on a NPS (0–100)
Effect of anxiety level on parasympathetic function and pain perception RMSSD
LF nu
HF nu
LF/HF ratio
Increased parasympathetic activity during recovery in both groups. In the high-anxiety group, higher RMSSD during baseline correlated with higher pain ratings during tonic pain stimulus.
Olsson and von Schéele (2011) [75] Sweden 32 (20/12) 39.7 (8.6) Bed of nails PI on a NRS (0–10) Subjective physiologic responses of lying on a bed of nails (BN) SDNN log
LF log
HF log
HF higher on the BN. Higher SDNN and LF during relaxing instruction on CD while lying on the BN.
Paine et al., (2009a) [8] United Kingdom 19 (11/8) 22–54 Visceral pain: esophageal balloon distension PTo; PTh The relationship between personality and autonomic responses to visceral pain CVC
CSI increased during pain; no changes in CVC during pain.
Paine et al., (2009b) [76] United Kingdom 18 (16/2) 35.4 (2.7) Visceral pain: proximal and distal balloon distension;
somatic pain: nail-bed stimulation
PI and PU on a VRS (0–10); PTo and PTh The relationship between autonomic control and personality in response to visceral and somatic pain CVT
Increased CVT in the 90 s post-stimulus compared with pre-stimulus CVT. Significantly greater increase in CVT for distal balloon than for nail bed.
Perlaki et al., (2015) [77] Hungary 18 (0/18) 22.89 (1.96) Thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) PI on a VAS (0–10); PTh Investigating the brain structures responsible for pain-related autonomic changes LF
LF/HF ratio
The median COPE of left MPFC showed negative correlations with LF/HF ratio and a positive correlation with HFnu. The median COPE of right MPFC showed significant negative correlations with SDNN.
Petersen et al., (2018) [78] Denmark 25 (0/25) 25.6, 20–37 Pressure pain (pressure algometer);
thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator) and cold (cold pressor test)
PI on a VAS (0–10); PTh; PTo The effect of propranolol on HRV and pain perception Mean IBI
Mean IBI significantly lower and RMSSD significantly higher during CPT compared with baseline.
Picchiottino et al., (2020) [79] France 41 (22/19) 19.9 (3.5) Pressure pain (pressure algometer) PTh The effect of spinal manipulation on cardiovascular autonomic activity and the relationship to pressure pain threshold LF
LF/HF ratio
Weak and moderate positive association between changes in PTh and changes in log LF.
Piovesan et al., (2019) [80] United Kingdom 40 (30/10) 26.2 (3.91) Electrical pain;
thermal pain: heat (thermal stimulator)
PI on a NRS (0–10) The relationship between autonomic nervous system and perceived duration of pain experience HF nu Only high-intensity stimuli were associated with changes in HRV.
No relationship between heat pain and HRV was found.
Pollatos et al., (2012a) [81] Germany (?) 60 (30/30) 24.4 (3.2) Pressure pain (pressure algometer) PTh; PTo; PI and PU on a VAS (1–9) The role of interception sensitivity on cutaneous pain perception LF
LF/HF ratio
HFnu significantly decreased while LFnu and LF/HF ratio significantly increased during pain.
Pollatos et al., (2012b) [82] Germany 22 (22/0) 24.4 (2.8), 21–31 Pressure pain (pressure algometer) PTh, PTo; PI and PU on a scale (1–9) The effects of food deprivation on pain perception HF nu
LF/HF ratio
Day 1: PTo positively correlated with HF nu and inversely correlated with LF/HF ratio. Experimental group: after 24 h of food deprivation, significant positive correlation between differences in HF and PTh (hungry minus breakfast).
Poulsen et al., (2019) [83] Denmark 20 (10/10) 25.0 (4.0) Capsaicin application;
somatosensory functions; thermal pain: heat and cold (thermal stimulator); mechanical pain (calibrated von Frey nylon filaments)
PI on a NRS (0–100) The region-specific effects of painful stimulation Mean RR
Higher mean RR, increased RMSSD, SDNN, LF power, HF power, and CCV-HF power during capsaicin stimulation.
Santarcangelo et al., (2008) [84] Italy 19 (19/0) 21 Pressure pain (pressure algometer) PI on a scale (0–10) Differences due to hypnotizability in the pain-related modulation of HRV during suggestion of analgesia Mean RR
Mean RR shorter during pain and AN than during baseline. SDNN shorter during pain than during baseline.
Schneider (2020) [85] Germany 40 (20/20) 35.1, 24–55 Thermal pain: heat (hot immersion test) PTo, PI, and PU on an NRS (0–10) The effects of essential oil inhaler on pain perception RMSSD
RMSSD: significantly higher during pain than during baseline; higher in the verum condition.
SDNN: larger in the verum condition than in the placebo condition.
Sclocco et al., (2016) [86] United States 11 (3/8) 33 (4) Pressure pain (pressure cuff) PI on a scale (0–100) Investigating specific brainstem nuclei involved in autonomic responses to pain LF
LF/HF ratio
HF power decreased during pain compared with rest.
Sharma et al., (2017) [87] India 30 (15/15) 18–25 Cold pain PTh, PTo The modulating role of slow deep breathing on pain perception and cardiac autonomic activity Mean RR
LF power
HF power
LF/HF ratio
PTo, SDNN, RMSSD, LF power, and LF/HF ratio significantly higher during SDB condition compared with spontaneous breathing. HF power significantly lower during SDB condition.
Streff et al., (2010) [88] Luxemburg 35 (18/17) 24, 19–57 Heat pain;
cold pressor trial
PTh; PI on a NRS (0–100); PU on a VAS (0–10) The physiological effects of two different tonic thermal stimuli LF/HF ratio LF/HF ratio relative to baseline higher on CPT compared with HIT.
Terkelsen et al., (2004) [89] Denmark 26 (0/26) 24, 21–31 Electrical stimulation (sural nerve stimulation) PTh; PI and PU on an NRS (0–10) The effects of mental stress on pain perception, HRV, and nociceptive withdrawal reflex Mean RR
Pain + PASAT decreased mean RR, SDNN, LF power, CCV-LF, HF power, and CCV-HF compared with pain at baseline. Pain + attention decreased HF power.
Terkelsen et al., (2005) [90] Denmark 26 (0/26) 24, 21–31 Electrical stimulation (sural nerve stimulation) PTh; PI on an NRS (0–10) The effects of stress on the HRV responses to acute pain Mean RR
Pain at rest: mean RR significantly decreased, LF power and CCV-LF increased.
Attention to pain: mean RR decreased and CCV-LF increased. Pain + PASAT: mean RR decreased.
Terkelsen et al., (2008) [91] Denmark 45 (22/23) 23, 18–27 Cold pain;
heat pain;
pressure pain
PTh The effects of the forearm immobilization on pain perception Mean RR
PASAT reduced mean RR, SDNN HF power, and LF power.
Tian et al., (2020) [92] China 57 (30/27) 20.28 (2.38), 19–33 Cold pain PI on a scale (0–10) The impact of the heart rate variability on the relationship between self-compassion and pain HF Self-compassion was associated with increased pain when HF was lower; self-compassion was associated with lower pain when HF was higher.
Tousignant-Laflamme and Marchand (2009) [93] Canada 32 (32/0) 34.3 (7.5) Cold pressor test PI on a NRS (0–100) Autonomic reactivity to pain throughout the menstrual cycle LF
LF/HF ratio
No significant differences in HRV were found between rest and CPT.
Tracy et al., (2018a) [24] Australia 51 (26/25) 21.9, 18–36 Heat pain PTh Sex differences in the association between resting HRV and pain sensitivity lnRMSSD
Higher resting LF was associated with higher PTh. In men, significant positive relationship between PTh and resting LF and HF found.
Tracy et al., (2018b) [94] Germany 35 (29/6) 22.80 (2.45) Cold pain PTh; PTo; PI on a VAS (0–10) The association between HRV and pain sensitivity LF
LF and HF predicted PI.
Treister et al., (2012) [95] Israel 55 (21/34) 25.9 (4.1), 20–37 Heat pain PTh; PI on an NPS (0–100) Comparing different intensities of pain employing different autonomic parameters HF HF showed a negative peak (a decrease compared with pre-stimulus) followed by a gradual increase.
Van Den Houte et al., (2018) [29] Belgium 63 (48/15) 21.49 (3.80), 18–41 Heat pain PTh; PI on an NRS (0–100) The association of HRV and negative affectivity in the endogenous pain modulation RMSSD Baseline RMSSD significantly related to the difference in PI between the constant and offset condition. Higher RMSSD and larger offset analgesia.
Walter et al., (2014) [96] Germany 90 (45/45) 18–65 Heat pain PTh; PTo The quantification of pain experience using autonomic parameters IBI An association between pain and IBI was found.
Ye et al., (2017) [97] Taiwan 40 (19/21) 22.5, 20–27 Heat pain PI on an NRS Changes in physiological parameters during the process of pain production and relief Mean RR
LF significantly changed between segments D and E.
Zunhammer et al., (2013) [98] Germany 20 (10/10) 24.4, 20.7–28.6 Heat and cold pain PTh; PI and PU on a VAS (0–100) The relationship between breathing and pain perception SDRR All breathing exercises with the exception of paced resting frequency significantly increased SDRR compared with baseline.

Pain assessment. PI: pain intensity; PU: pain unpleasantness; PTo: pain tolerance; PTh: pain thresholds; PPTh: pressure pain thresholds; POP: pain on palpation; VAS: visual analogue scale; NRS: numeric rating scale; VRS: verbal rating scale; COVAS: computerized visual analogue scale; CPM: conditioned pain modulation; TS: test stimulus; CS: conditioned stimulus; n.r.: not reported. HRV measures. LF: low frequencies; HF: high frequencies; HF nu: normalized units of HF; LF nu: normalized units of LF; SDNN: standard deviation of NN intervals; SDRR: standard deviation of RR intervals; NN50: number of pairs of successive NN (R-R) intervals that differ by more than 50 ms; pNN50: proportion of NN50 divided by the total number of NN (R-R) intervals RMSSD: root mean square of successive differences; IBI: interbeat interval; RSA: respiratory sinus arrhythmia; CVI: cardiac vagal index; CSI: cardiac sympathetic index; CVT: cardiac vagal tone; CVC: cardiac vagal control; ANI: analgesia nociception index.