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. 2022 Feb 6;12(2):420. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12020420

Table 1.

Summary table of novel MRI techniques reported in normal and degenerated discs.

Technique Biochemical Changes Evaluated Normal IVD Intensity Degenerated IVD Signal Intensity
T1ρ relaxation mapping PG and water count, collagen anisotropy High Low
T2 relaxation mapping PG and water content High Low
Quantitative T2* mapping Macromolecule architecture and water mobility High Low
DWI with ADC and DTI with FA Water diffusion, tissue composition and organization High ADC
Low FA
High FA
23Na-MRI Na+ concentration, GAG/PG content indirectly High Low
GagCEST Exchange of hydroxyl-protons between GAG and bulk water, GAG content High Low
Ultrashort TE (and zero-TE sequences) Tissue composition and organization Intermediate/high
High GAG/collagen
Low GAG/collagen
MRS Levels of metabolites: lactate, alanine, GAG High GAG/collagen
High GAG/lactate
Low lactate/collagen ratio
Low GAG/collagen
Low GAG/lactate
High lactate/collagen ratio
dGEMRIC Diffusion rate, GAG content indirectly High or low Low or high
MT and MTR Exchange process between free and macromolecule-bound water protons, collagen content and structural integrity of the matrix MT high MT high

23Na-MRI—sodium magnetic resonance imaging; ADC—apparent diffusion coefficient; DTI—diffusion tensor imaging; dGEMRIC—delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage; DWI—diffusion-weighted imaging; FA—fractional anisotropy; GAG—glycosaminoglycan; gagCEST—GAG chemical exchange saturation transfer; MRS—magnetic resonance spectroscopy; MT—magnetization; MTR—MT ratio; PG—proteoglycan; TE—time to echo.