Table A1.
Research Paper Assessed for: | Total Score: |
1. Control group | 0 = No control group 1 = Comparisons between non-genetically distinct groups or utilized standardized assessment tools 2 = Genetically distinct control group |
2. Controls by autism comorbidity | 0 = No 1 = Yes, statistically 2 = Yes, removing those with comorbid ASD |
3. Sample size | 0 = Fewer than 15 participants 1 = 15 or more participants 2 = 30 or more participants |
4. Recruitment | 0 = Participants selected by clinician(s) 1 = Participants recruited either through charity or medical clinic 2 = Multiple methods, multiple clinics, or multiple charities are used for recruitment |
5. Syndrome diagnosis | 0 = Based on reports from the parents 1 = Diagnosis based on physical features or sibling diagnosis 2 = Diagnosis based on appropriate genetic test (PCR or blood test) |
6. Methodology | 0 = No validated measures are used 1 = Use validated and/or standardized assessment tools 2 = Validated and/or standardized measures are used alongside new measures, observations, or other methodologies |
7. Considerations for development | 0 = Participants are compared as a whole 1 = The study considers age as a variable for at least one aspect of behavior or social competence 2 = Age is considered as a variable in relation to behavior and social competence |
8. Appropriate statistics/comparisons | 0 = Data not analyzed 1 = Descriptive statistics are used 2 = Appropriate comparative/correlative statistics are reported |
Adapted from Cross and Hare (2013) [49]. Discrepancies found and solutions provided: In the “Control group” section, if a study added a control group for only part of the study fitting with the topic researched in this review, a score of 1 or 2 was given to it depending on the characteristics of the control group; In the category “Controls by autism symptomatology”, if a study measured the ASD symptomatology to describe it or correlate it with variables such as social competence, behavior problems, or developmental trajectories, it was given a score of 0. A score of 1 was given if the study used the measures of ASD symptomatology, controlling for it in models or using it in regressions as control variables; In the “Sample size” category, only the samples with FXS were included in the number of participants. If a study included 47 individuals with FXS, but, for example, 20 of them had comorbid FXS+ASD, only 27 individuals were included in the FXS sample, thus scoring 1 point; In the “Recruitment” category, if a study reported that its sample came from another study and included the reference of that study, the original sample study was searched, and the score given to the study would depend on its recruitment characteristics. However, if a study reported that its sample came from another study with no more information about the original sample study, a score of 0 was given; In the “Considerations for development” category, a score of 2 was given if a study assessed age statistically and included it in models or regressions. If a study only assessed age differences between the samples and did not include it in the models, 1 point was given to it.