Primer elongation by hPOLη (a–c) and yPOLη (d–f) encountering a DNA protein cross-link. Panels (a,d), ss-DPC substrate; panels (b,e), temp-DPC substrate; panels (c,f), down-DPC substrate. The red dots mark the primers, the yellow dots correspond to the synthesis until the cross-link site, and the green dots indicate the full-sized products. Lanes 1–3, size markers 11 nt (M1), 23 nt (M2), and 40 nt long (M3); lane 4 (also lane 10 in Panel (b)), the respective substrate in the absence of DNA polymerase; lanes 5–7, primer extension for 2, 5, and 30 min, respectively; lanes 8–9, primer extension (30 min) on the undamaged primer–template (C1, lane 8) or primer–displaced strand–template substrate (C2, lane 9).