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. 2022 Feb 15;19(4):2192. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19042192
Section 1: Socio-demographics
  1. Gender

  • 2.

    Where do you live? Urban region/Rural area

  • 3.


  • 4.

    Level of education

  • 5.

    How would you describe your household income compared to other households in your country?

  • 6.


  • 7.

    What is your household composition?

  • 8.

    How many people are currently living in your home?

  • 9.

    Have you lost your job or had any pay reduction in your salary due to COVID-19? Yes/No

  • 10.

    Please indicate if any of people you know have been diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Section 2: Food buying and consumption behavior
  • 11.

    Below is a list of food-related behaviors. Please indicate how that behavior has changed for you as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) becoming serious in your country. (7-point response scale: never = 0; first time = 1; much less = 2; slightly less = 3; about the same = 4; moderately more = 5; much more = 6)

  • Buying local food (produced in your country)

  • Ordering groceries online

  • Buying food in person from a large supermarket

  • Buying food in person from a small supermarket or grocery store

  • Having meals delivered directly to my home

  • 12.

    What has changed in your shopping behavior during the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown?

  • I go shopping less than usual

  • I go shopping like I used to

  • I go shopping more than usual

  • 13.

    What has changed in the extent of your purchases during the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown?

  • I buy a lot more than usual

  • I buy more than usual

  • I buy as same as usual

  • I buy less than usual

  • I buy a lot less than usual

  • 14.

    Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) became serious in your country, have you eaten or drunk more or less of the following foods? (7-point response scale)

  • Fruits/Vegetables

  • Meat

  • Healthy food

  • Unhealthy food (fast food)

  • Water

  • Candy, cookies, cakes, and pastries

  • Healthy snacks

  • Unhealthy snacks

  • Packaged frozen foods

  • Canned food

  • 15.

    Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) became serious in your country, have you done more or less of the following food-related activities than you used to? (7-point response scale)

  • Eating at home alone

  • Eating with family members

  • Eating out (e.g., restaurants/cafeteria/fast food)

  • Eating at someone else’s place (e.g., family, friends)

  • Ordering take-away or fast-food meals with deliveries

  • Cooking and preparing food

  • Spending a lot of time cooking

  • Making easy meals (e.g., instant foods, etc.)

  • Eating between meals (e.g., snacks)

  • 16.

    Have you stocked up on food and beverages because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Yes/No

  • 17.

    What type of food did you stock up the most during the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown? (Please select all that apply)

  • Cereals and their products (bread, rice, pasta, flour, etc.)

  • Roots and tubers (potatoes, etc.)

  • Legumes (e.g., peas, chickpeas)

  • Sugar

  • Oil

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Meat and meat products

  • Fish and seafood

  • Milk and dairy products

  • Canned food

  • None

  • 18.

    Since the COVID-19 outbreak, did you notice that any of these items are less available? (Please select all that apply)

  • Cereals and products (bread, rice, pasta, flour, etc.)

  • Roots and tubers (potatoes, etc.)

  • Legumes (e.g., peas, chickpeas)

  • Sugar

  • Oil

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Meat and meat products

  • Fish and seafood

  • Milk and dairy products

  • Canned food

  • None

  • 19.

    Since the COVID-19 outbreak, did you notice any price increase for any of these items? (Please select all that apply)

  • Cereals and products (bread, rice, pasta, flour, etc.)

  • Roots and tubers (potatoes, etc.)

  • Legumes (e.g., peas, chickpeas)

  • Sugar

  • Oil

  • Fruits and vegetables

  • Meat and meat products

  • Fish and seafood

  • Milk and dairy products

  • Canned food

  • None

  • 20.

    How does stocking up on items make you feel? (5-point response scale: 1 (not at all), 5 (very much))

  • Stocking up on items makes me feel less anxious

  • Stocking up on items makes me feel more secure

  • Stocking up on items comforts me

  • Stocking up on items gives me a sense of control

  • 21.

    Please indicate how concerned you have been since COVID-19 became serious in your country about the following food-related issues. (5-point response scale: 1 (not at all), 5 (very much))

  • Obtaining enough food

  • Obtaining a variety of food

  • Access to healthy and safe food

  • Food prices rising

  • Food spreading COVID-19

  • 22.

    Regarding changes in your food-related behaviors since the outbreak of COVID-19: Yes/No

  • Do you buy more food out of fear or anxiety?

  • Do you eat more food out of fear, anxiety or boredom?

  • Are you wasting more food than usual?

  • Are you more aware of how much food you waste?

  • 23.

    How has your food wastage changed during the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown?

  • It has become much less

  • Less

  • Has not changed

  • More

  • Much more

Section 3: Emotions
  • 24.

    Please indicate your negative feelings since the onset of COVID-19. (5-point response scale: 1 (not at all), 5 (very much))

  • Nervous

  • Worried

  • Depressed

  • Sad

  • Scared

  • Bored

  • 25.

    Please indicate your positive feelings since the onset of COVID-19. (5-point response scale: 1 (not at all), 5 (very much))

  • Calm

  • Optimistic

  • Excited

  • Happy