Figure 4.
Chromosomes from Figure 2 presented individually. The chromosomes were aligned by a combination of length from the longest to shortest and signal pattern. The left/right number represents the chromosome length: (A) H. rhamnoides ‘Wucifeng’, 2.35–1.15 μm; (B) H. rhamnoides ‘Shenqiuhong’, 1.73–0.94 μm; (C) H. rhamnoides ‘Zhuangyuanhuang’, 3.10–1.40 μm; (D) cultural H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis, 1.99–1.08 μm; and (E) wild H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis, 2.74–1.20 μm. The numbers on the top represent the chromosome number, whereas the bottom probes labeled some chromosomes: chromosomes 1/2, 7/8, 23/24 were labeled by (TTG)6 I (A–E), (TTG)6 II (A–D), and (TTG)6 III (A–D); chromosomes 3/4, 11/12, 19/20 were labeled by (AG3T3)3 I (A–E), (AG3T3)3 II (A–E), and (AG3T3)3 III (A–E); and chromosomes 17/18 (A–E) were labeled by 5S rDNA.