Chloroplast ultrastructure of the nec-t mutant and wild-type leaves at different temperatures. (A,F,K,P) Garland structure. (B,G,L,Q) Bundle sheath cells. (C,H,M,R) Chloroplast structure in vascular bundle sheath cells. (D,I,N,S) Mesophyll cells. (E,J,O,T) Chloroplast structure in mesophyll cells. WT-30 and nec-t-30 represent the wild-type and mutant tissues at 30 °C; WT-24 and nec-t-24 represent wild-type and mutant tissues at 24 °C. ch, chloroplast; sg, starch; BS, bundle sheath cells; M, mesophyll cells. Bar = 10 μm in (A,F,K,P), 5 μm in (B,D,G,I,L,N,Q,S), 500 nm in (C,E,H,J,M,O,R,T).