Fig. 5. Quantification of somatostatin (SST) immunopositive cells in the anterior hippocampus region of adult Magel2 KO, WT, Magel2 KO treated with OT and WT-vehicle male mice.
A–L Immunolabeling on coronal hippocampal sections at adulthood in WT (A, C, E) and Magel2 KO (B, D, F), and in WT-vehicle (G, I, K) and Magel2 KO + OT (H, J, L) with a magnification in the aCA2/CA3d region (C, D, I, J) and in the DG region (E, F, K, L) in which the SST+ cells are counted. M, N Number of SST+ cells by section in both aCA2/CA3d (M) and aDG (N) and comparing WT (N = 4, n = 56), Magel2 KO (N = 4, n = 55), WT-vehicle (N = 3, n = 36), and Magel2 KO + OT (N = 5, n = 64) mice. N, number of animals; n, number of sections/hippocampus. Data represented in histograms report the number of SST+ cells by section as mean ± SEM, with single gray data point (triangle) showing the average for each section level among all individuals of each group (since sections are repeated measures) and single black data point (circle) showing the mean value (of all sections) for each animal. Mixed model with repeated measurements + Tukey’s post hoc test. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. Scale bar (A–H): 500 µm; (C–L): 100 µm. Statistical analysis is reported in Supplementary Table 4.