A Experimental outline indicating experimental groups, as well as order and time of behavioral tests (DPI = days post induction, i.e., after the last tamoxifen injection). B NMDAR1-AB validation by ELISA. C Cell-based (HEK293T) clinical standard assay for NMDAR1-AB (Euroimmun). D Immunocytochemical colocalization (CBA, Euroimmun) with a commercial rabbit GluN1-AB directed against the C-terminal domain. E Intra individual change of locomotor activity assessed in LABORAS at baseline and after tamoxifen induction. For each mouse, time in locomotion after tamoxifen induction was normalized to time in locomotion prior to tamoxifen application (baseline). F Activity (number of corner visits) over a 7-day IntelliCage session. G Pearson correlation between IntelliCage activity and intra individual changes of LABORAS locomotor activity. H Locomotor activity assessed by 4 h voluntary complex wheel running. I–O Cognitive testing in Morris water maze (MWM). I–K Visible platform task comprising 2 training days, demonstrating the ability for fast escape and simple task learning using within-maze cues. L Training of hidden platform task using extra-maze cues. DTA mice performed significantly worse than control mice (repeated-measures ANOVA, p < 0.0001), whereas no effect of NMDAR1-AB was observed in either DTA (p = 0.3273) or control mice (p = 0.5972). M Evaluation of spatial memory in the probe trial. N Spatial reversal of the hidden platform. O Evaluation of cognitive flexibility and reversal learning in a second probe trial after spatial reversal training. P Prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle. Intra group comparisons performed using repeated-measure one-way ANOVA; inter group comparison between genotypes for 75 and 80 dB prepulses performed using mixed ANOVA. Q IntelliCage-based evaluation of place learning and R reversal learning within 24 h sessions shows similar performance across groups. Dashed lines indicate performance at chance level (75%). Experiments were performed with 14–16 mice/group, except for CRW (H, n = 6 mice/group). Data presented as mean ± SD, except for repeated measure data (L, N, P; mean ± SEM) and AB titers (C, median, range).