Fig. 6. Optogenetic stimulation of septal OXTr projections to the HDB inactivated HDB neurons.
a–c Representative images of (a) hM3Dq-mCherry-transduced septal OXTr neurons, (b) anti-vGAT stains, and (c) overlap of hM3Dq-mCherry and vGAT. d Quantification of the percentage of vGAT-expressing OXTr and OXTr-expressing vGAT neurons (n = 6 per group). e A schematic illustration of loose-seal cell-attached recordings at HDB neurons with optogenetic stimulation of ChR2-expressing OXTr projections to the HDB in acute brain slices of the OXTr neuron from ChR2-transduced Oxtr-Cre mice. f–h Optogenetic stimulation of septal OXTr neuron projections to the HDB decreased the action potential firing rates at eight of the 15 recorded HDB neurons: (f, g) two representative traces of PS-induced decrease in action potential firing rates recorded at two HDB neurons, and (h) one representative trace that PS did not affect the firing rates. Mean ± SEM. Scale bars, 50 µm for (a, b, and c); 1 s and 1 mV for f, g, and h. PS photostimulation at 20 Hz.