Box 1.
Housing Association Community-based Housing Association, providing social rented housing in one neighbourhood. Also operates subsidiary regeneration organisation focused on employment and community development. This organisation aims to provide affordable housing to low-income households, and contribute to community sustainability and regeneration through non-housing activities. Owns and manages around 5500 properties Letting Agency Social enterprise letting agency which manages property for traditional PRS landlords, and purchases and refurbishes property to rent to low-income households. Has social mission to provide high quality housing in the PRS to vulnerable households and provides intensive tenancy support service, partly funded from service charge income. Manages around 250 properties and owns a further 200 Rent Deposit Schemes Voluntary sector organisation running two Rent Deposit Schemes (RDS), facilitating access to the PRS for households at risk of homelessness. Provides deposit guarantee to landlords on behalf of prospective tenants, to enable vulnerable households without savings to access tenancies. Tenants pay deposit in instalments over the first year of their tenancy, rather than paying it up-front, and are provided with tenancy support. Combined, the schemes support around 100 people into new tenancies each year |