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. 2021 Oct 16;29(12):17017–17030. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-16984-8

Table 3.

Total number of individuals (n) of owls in the freezers of the 35 NHMs

Common name Scientific name n % of total specimens in the 35 NHMs
Tawny owl Strix aluco 167 18.1
Long-eared owl Asio otus 149 16.1
Ural owl Strix uralensis 146 15.8
Barn owl Tyto alba 108 11.7
Eagle owl Bubo bubo 106 11.5
Boreal owl Aegolius funereus 63 6.8
Little owl Athene noctua 54 5.8
Eurasian pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum 53 5.7
Short-eared owl Asio flammeus 24 2.6
Scops owl Otus scops 17 1.8
Great grey owl Strix nebulosa 17 1.8
Hawk owl Surnia ulula 15 1.6
Snowy owl Bubo scandiacus 4 0.4
Rock eagle owl Bubo bengalensis 1 0.1
Total number of specimens 924 100
Total number of species 14