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. 2021 Mar 25;36(3):594–602. doi: 10.1038/s41433-021-01509-x

Table 2.

Outcomes at 12 months.

All eyesa Completers Switchers Non-completers
VEGF inhibitors Triamcinolone
Eyes, n 298 209 49 13 27
Patients, nb 220c 158 37 10 22
Baseline VA letters, mean (SD) 67.7 (14.7) 67.9 (14.5) 68.7 (14) 66.2 (8.9) 65.3 (19.8)
Final VA letters, mean (SD) 70.8 (11.2) 71.1 (11.1) 71 (11.2) 62.9 (9.6) 72.1 (11.2)
Change VA letters, mean (95% CI) 3.1 (1.6, 4.6) 3.2 (1.4, 4.9) 2.4 (−1.1, 5.9) −3.2 (−9.4, 3) 6.9 (0.6, 13.1)
Gain ≥ 10 letters % 21 22 14 8 30
Loss ≥ 10 letters % 10 9 12 23 4
VA ≥ 69 letters %, baseline/final 61/71 62/72 63/74 46/31 56/70
VA ≤ 35 letters %, baseline/final 5/2 4/2 6/4 0/0 11/4
Baseline CST µm, mean (SD) 402 (109) 405 (106) 384 (108) 449 (158) 385 (110)
Final CST µm, mean (SD) 372 (105) 369 (100) 368 (99) 493 (182) 347 (78)
Change CST µm, mean (95% CI) −29 (−40, −17) −35 (−50, −21) −16 (−37, 6) 44 (−31, 120) −33 (−69, 3)
Injectionsd, median (Q1, Q3) 6 (4, 8) 7 (4, 9) 5 (4, 7) 4 (3, 5) 3 (2, 5)
Additional laser, n 25 21 0 2 2
Additional triamcinolone, n 13 0 0 13 0
Additional Ozurdex®, n 0 0 0 0 0
Visitsα, median (Q1, Q3) 8 (5, 10) 8 (6, 12) 5 (5, 8) 6 (5, 7) 4 (3, 7)

All eyes—includes completers, switchers and non-completers. ‘Completers’—eyes with 12 months of observation from the start of treatment, ‘switchers’—eyes receiving other treatment drug prior to completion of 12 months from the start of treatment. Only the observations from the visit before the switch occurred were included in the analysis. ‘Non-completers’—eyes not completing 12 months of observations from the start of treatment.

n number, VA visual acuity, SD standard deviation, CI confidence interval, CST central subfield thickness, Q1 first quantile, Q3 third quantile.

aLast observation carried forward for switchers and non-completers.

bPatients with each eye in two groups are repeated.

cData from both eyes of 78 patients were included in the analysis.

dNumber of bevacizumab injections.