Fig. 4. Generalization of the DSN to unseen scattering conditions.
The DSN demonstrates robust descattering for a continuum of scattering levels covering a wide range of refractive indices, particle sizes, and particle densities. The baseline seen cases are shown in solid lines; the unseen test conditions are in dashed lines. The testing cases include: a unseen refractive index contrast (∆n); b unseen particle size (D); c unseen particle density (ρ); d unseen refractive index contrast and particle size (D−∆n); e unseen refractive index contrast, particle size and density; f Uniformly distributed random refractive index contrast, ±δn% denotes the variation range with respect to the central refractive index contrast; g Uniformly distributed random particle size, ±δD% denotes the variation range with respect to the central size; h Uniformly distributed random refractive index and particle size (±δn to ±δD). In f–h, the green dash-dotted line is the baseline unseen case at ρ = 6.41 × 104 particles μL−1, with a fixed refractive index contrast ∆n = 0.20 and a fixed particle size D = 1.0 µm