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. 2022 Feb 11;12:786094. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.786094


Sample environmental data.

Sample Ice (cm) DOC (mg L–1) TN (μg L–1) TP (μg L–1) Temp. (°C) Cond (μ S cm–1) Chl a (μg L–1) DL (h) Size Group
GRL_23AP18 155 5.6 600 11 1.86 608 0.39 17.23 L Ice1
L05_24AP18 170 3.8 381 8.3 0.79 382 0.27 17.39 M Ice1
1ST_26AP18 180 5.2 511 13.1 0.71 496 4.20 17.71 M Ice1
2ND_26AP18 175 5.1 537 15.5 0.54 440 2.46 17.71 M Ice1
GRL_10JN15 205 5.7 nd 6.1 1.80 675 1.07 24.00 L Ice1
GRL_15JN15 195 4.9 nd 7.5 nd nd 0.86 24.00 L Ice1
GRL_12JN15 200 nd nd nd nd nd Nd 24.00 L Ice1
ERA4_24AP18 167 8.7 736 8.5 1.14 878 0.10 17.39 S Ice2
L05_02NO17 40 3.7 333 nd 0.56 318 0.54 6.50 M Ice2
ERA4_03NO17 44 6.6 661 8.4 nd nd 0.84 6.35 S Ice2
2ND_01NO17 36 4.4 456 13.6 0.83 269 1.64 6.66 M Ice2
1ST_31OC17 40 4.5 350 17.9 0.45 317 2.81 6.81 M Ice2
GRL_30OC17 25 3.9 384 16.8 2.10 325 0.43 6.96 L Ice2
ERA1_04NO17 42 8.1 887 13.9 2.80 1,049 2.80 6.19 S Ice2
ERA1_24AP18 170 15.5 1,493 15.3 0.51 2,195 5.52 17.39 S Ice2
ERA1_10AU17 0 6.7 560 <5.0 10.80 820 1.60 18.60 S Open3
ERA3_10AU17 0 7 570 <5.0 10.60 770 3.26 18.60 S Open3
ERA1_12AU18 0 6.9 493 9.2 9.60 524 2.11 18.30 S Open3
ERA4_10AU17 0 5.9 425 <5.0 11.10 501 1.15 18.60 S Open3
ERA4_12AU18 0 6 436 5.7 9.10 818 1.16 18.30 S Open3
1ST_09AU18 0 4.2 331 5.4 10.00 262 2.57 18.82 M Open3
ERA2_10AU17 0 15.2 1,400 8 10.80 648 1.28 18.6 S Open3
GRL_04SE16 0 nd nd nd 5.40 344 Nd 14.06 L Open4
SPA_13AU17 0 3.2 271 <5.0 12.40 295 0.85 18.10 L Open4
GRL_07AU18 0 6.1 832 8.4 9.50 270 3.14 19.17 L Open4
FER_13AU17 0 2.1 168 <5.0 8.50 245 1.80 18.10 L Open4
GRL_09SE15 0 3.2 372 5.2 12.40 266 1.29 14.17 L Open4
GRL_23AU16 0 3.5 427 6.4 10.80 330 Nd 16.49 L Open4
GRL_09AU17 0 3.7 298 <5.0 10.80 278 1.71 18.77 L Open4

Sample name consists of the lake abbreviation from Figure 1 and the day, month, and year of sampling (JN refers to June).

When values were under the limit of detection, half of the detection limit value was used for statistics.

Lake order follows the Bray–Curtis group clustering from Figure 2, with (group) Ice1, Ice2, Open3, and Open4 indicated.

The detection limit for TP was 0.5 μg L–1.

DOC, dissolved organic carbon; TP, total phosphorus; TN, total nitrogen; Ice, ice thickness; Temp, temperature; Cond, conductivity; Chl a, chlorophyll a; DL, day length; Size, lake size category; L, large; M, medium; S, small (as defined in text); nd, no data available.