Figure 4.
Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences of peroxidases and transcription level of the genes (A) 50 putative heme peroxidases. (B) 10 putative non-heme peroxidases. (C) Phylogenetic analysis of Apx–CcPs from the species of S. rugosoannulata, H. sublateritium, G. marginata, and G. luxurians. The phylogenetic trees were constructed using RAxML (version 8) with 1000 bootstrap replicates. The numbers at the nodes represent the bootstrap percentages. The solid black and empty circles represent the secreted and non-secreted proteins, separately. A heatmap drawn with TBtools [43] indicated the expression in the mycelia of S. rugosoannulata. HTP, heme-thiolate peroxidases, APx–Ccp, hybrid ascorbate-cytochrome c peroxidases, and Nox, NADPH oxidase genes. The red fonts in (C) indicated the Apx–CcPs from S. rugosoannulata.