Figure 7.
NU2-targeted AβO proteoforms in the developing retina are transient and show complex spatiotemporal regulation. Retinas from embryonic days E8, E14, and E20 were stained for AβOs using the selective mouse monoclonal antibody NU2 (red). (A) E8 immunoreactivity is present in the GCL, faintly in the nascent IPL, and the inner INL. (B) E14 immunoreactivity is present in the GCL but is otherwise highly localized to the interface between the IPL and INL, as well as flanking the OPL. The outer IPL shows specific sub-banding. (C) E20 immunoreactivity is largely gone, localizing only to the outer ONL. As detected by NU2, AβO expression manifests as a wave that progresses from the inner to outer retina and then downregulates. Scale bar is 25 μm. N = 2.