Table 2.
The laboratory parameters at the time of the patient’s hospitalization.
Laboratory Parameter | Value | Reference |
Hemoglobin | 9.8 g/dL | 13.3–17.7 g/dL |
Hematocrite | 30% | 40–52% |
Red Blood Cells | 3.67 × 106/mm3 | 4.40–5.90 × 106/mm3 |
Blood Platelets (in Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA)) | 544 million/μL | 3.9–10.6 million/μL |
Reticulocytes | 2.05% | 0.50–2.00% |
Neutrophiles | 70.7% | 40.0–70.0% |
Lymphocytes | 14.3% | 20.0–45.0% |
Eosinohiles | 0.7% | <4.0% |
Basophiles | 0.4% | <2.0% |
Monocytes | 13.9% | <12.0% |
Creatinin | 0.55 mg/dL | 0.80–1.30 mg/dL |
Uric Acid | 4.5 mg/dL | 2.6–7.2 mg/dL |
Sodium | 133 mmol/L | 135–145 mmol/L |
Potassium | 4.6 mmol/L | 3.5–5.1 mmol/L |
Chloride | 99 mmol/L | 97–107 mmol/L |
CRP (c-reactive proteine ultrasensitive) | 198.3 mg/L | <8.0 mg/L |
Protein total | 60.3 g/L | 58.0–83.0 g/L |
AST (spartate aminotransferase) | 31 U/L | <42 U/L |
GPT (alanine transaminase) | 33 U/L | <40 U/L |
LDH (lactaatdehydrogenase) | 125 U/L | <250 U/L |
Alkaline Phosphatases | 57 U/L | 30–120 U/L |
Gamma-GT (glutamyl transferase) | 34 U/L | <50 U/L |
Bilirubin Total | 0.4 mg/dL | 0.2–1.2 mg/dL |
Bilirubin Direct | 0.1 mg/dL | <0.3 mg/dL |