Figure 1.
EB3 expression level affects the dendritogenesis of hippocampal neurons. (A) Models of hippocampal neurons transfected with mCherry or co-transfected with mCherry and EB3, plasmid encoding control RNAi (shControl) or RNAi against EB3 (shEB3) at DIV 7−8 and fixed at DIV 15 build in Neuronstudio from confocal images. (B) Dendritic length between two Sholl rings separated by 1 μm radius (distance from the soma) for each group of neurons. (C) The total length of dendrites for each group of neurons, μm. ***: p < 0.001, ns-no statistically significant difference, n = 20 neurons from 4 batches of cultures. Mann–Whitney U test for Sholl analysis, Student`s t-test for dendritic length, normal distribution was checked by the Shapiro-Wilk test.