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. 2021 Dec 2;34(4):389–397. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000002317

Table 1.

Demographics, clinical characteristics, and medication use

N = 5938
Sex, n (%)
 Female 3034 (51.1)
 Male 2904 (48.9)
Age (years)a
N 5934
 Mean (SD) 48.3 (18.3)
 Median 46.3
 (Q1-Q3) (35.0-61.0)
 Adults (≥18 years old), n (%) 5782 (97.37)
 Children (<18 years old), n (%) 152 (2.56)
 Missing 4
Substance useb
Tobacco use, n (%) 3465
 Ex 1010 (29.15)
 No 1091 (31.5)
 Yes 1364 (39.36)
 Missing 2473
Alcohol use, n (%) 893
 Ex 81 (9.1)
 No 324 (36.3)
 Yes 492 (55.1)
 Missing 5045
Disease characteristicsb,c
 Location, n (%)
  L1 ileal 913 (54.0)
  L2 colonic 199 (11.8)
  L3 ileocolonic 507 (30.0)
  L4 isolated upper diseased 73 (4.3)
  Missing 4246
 Behavior, n (%)
  B1 nonstricturing, nonpenetrating: inflammatory 589 (48.8)
  B2 stricturing 356 (29.5)
  B3 penetrating 262 (21.7)
  Missing 4731

Age at registered Crohn’s disease diagnosis.


Subjects with missing values are not included in percentage calculations.


Based on the Montreal Classification.


L4 is a modifier that can be added to L1–L3 when concomitant upper gastrointestinal disease is present.