Figure 1.
Multiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation (MUSCLE) analysis of amino acid sequence of putative S. reilianum f. sp. zeae (SRZ) Aox against known polypeptides. Aox amino acid sequences of the following organisms were used: S. scitamineum (Ss, CDU22616.1), S. graminicola (Sg, XP_029737873.1), U. bromivora (Ub, SAM82122.1), U. maydis (Um, XP_011389130.1) and P. hubeiensis (Ph, XP_012186999.1). Amino acids with similar physico-chemical properties are represented by the same color. Bars represent amino acid conservation across all sequences analyzed, with darker and taller bars corresponding to higher conservation indexes. Amino acids in bold make up the consensus sequence and represent 100% conservation in that position.