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. 2022 Feb 10;12(4):597. doi: 10.3390/nano12040597

Table 2.

Standard group frequencies of aromatic molecules required for the fractional analysis of vibrational spectra of amorphous carbons.

Wavenumbers, cm−1 Group Frequencies 1
Exper UHF
sp2(C, C) 2 sp2(C-H) 2 sp2(C-H) and
(C, CH2) 3
sp3(C-H) and
(C, CH3) 4
(C, O) and
(C, OH) 5
(C, O-C)
400–700 700–1000 404 δ op C-C-C
606 δ ip C-C-C
- 711 ρ CH2 210 r CH3
344 δ CH3
458 τ COH 605
δ C-O
700–1200 1200–1700 707 δ C-C-C puckering
993 ring breathing
1010 δ C-C-C trigonal
δ op in phase
δ op C6 libration
967 δ op
δ op trigonal
1037 δ ip
1146 δ ip trigonal
1178 δ ip
948 ρ CH2 900 ν C-CH3
1041 ρ CH3
ν C-O(H)
δ C-O(H)
ν C-O(H)
ν C-O
ν C-O
1200–1600 1700–2100 1309
ν C=C Kekule
1482 ν C=C
1599 ν C=C
1350 δ ip in phase 1409
δ internal CH2
1333 δ CH3
δ internal CH3
1511 ν C=O -
1600–1900 2100–2400 - - 1500–1700 6
ν C=O
2800–3200 3200–3600 - 3056 ν C-H
ν trigonal C-H
3064 ν C-H
ν in phase C-H
3114 ν CH2 2950 ν CH3 3400 ν OH -

1 Greek symbols ν, δ, ρ, r, τ mark stretching, bending, rocking, rotational, and torsion modes, respectively. 2 GFs notifications of fundamental vibrations of benzene molecule [30]. 3 GFs notifications of fundamental vibrations of benzyl radical [31,32]. Hereinafter, GFs, additional to the benzene pool of vibrations, will be shown only. 4 GFs notifications of fundamental vibrations of toluene [33,34]. 5 GFs notifications of fundamental vibrations of p-benzosemiquinone [35]. 6 GFs notifications of fundamental vibrations of a large collection of organic molecules [11,12].