Figure 2.
Association between binding and neutralizing antibodies at week 6 (a) and week 24 (b). Areas below the lower dashed lines indicate binding antibody titers without neutralizing activities (<132 BAU/mL at week 6 and <82 BAU/mL at week 24). Areas above the upper dashed lines indicate antibody titers definitely neutralizing the virus (≥1505 BAU/mL at week 6 and ≥380 BAU/mL at week 24). Areas between the dashed lines represent binding antibody levels for which no complete neutralizing activities can be assumed. At week 6, 87.8% of all patients with binding antibody levels between 132 to 1360 BAU/mL showed neutralizing activities against SARS-CoV-2. At week 24, 43.5% of all patients with binding antibody levels between 82 to 362 BAU/mL neutralized the virus. Red circles indicate no neutralizing activity, gray circles indicate neutralizing activity.